Prospective Families

Your child is the most important resource that Lawton has.
It's our goal to take care of your child, provide them the best education possible, and help them become successful!

Letter from Superintendent Hime
We are excited to have you visit our site and learn more about our district. Whether you are new to Lawton or preparing to transition your family here, I want to personally welcome you to Lawton Public Schools!
Selecting a school can be exciting as well as nerve-racking. We would love the opportunity to talk with you and see how we can best support and serve your student. If you cannot find something on our website, please reach out by emailing and one of our team members will be in contact with you.
Comprised of 27 educational sites in the heart of Southwest Oklahoma, Lawton Public Schools (LPS) is the premier school district operating on four guiding Principles: Preparing Life Ready Graduates; sharing professional ideals; promoting healthy lifestyles; and advocating communication, collaboration and transparency.
We employ approximately 2,300 administrators, teachers and support personnel who serve a diverse student population that is 38% Caucasian, 22% African American, 20% Hispanic, 5% Native American, Pacific Islander 1% and 14% two or more races.
Investing in both students and educators, LPS sets the standard of academic excellence. In keeping with our mission of preparing Life Ready graduates, LPS offers a wide-range of extra-curricular activities, community partnership opportunities and a variety of study topics at each grade level.
The district is committed to academic excellence and prides itself on meeting the needs of students' education. Our educators, parents and partners proudly unite each day to accomplish a common goal: inspire and motivate young minds.
If you do not see a program, course or opportunity that you received from another district, please let us know.
We would be honored to have you and your family join our LPS family!