HBE. It’s not too late to order cotton candy or a pickle to help support our Special Olympics team. $1 each and orders will be taken until noon
almost 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
HBE: student of the month assembly is tomorrow at 2:45.
almost 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Teachers we will meet at 8:10 in the morning!
almost 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
HBE Book Character Dress Up Day 3/2/20
almost 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Book Character Dress Up Day
HBE Just a reminder that our doors don’t open until 8:40 for students who are eating breakfast. It is especially cold this morning so please remind your students to bundle up before coming to school Happy Friday!
almost 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
HBE: Parents progress reports are being sent home today.
almost 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
HBE No basketball practice today.
almost 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
HBE Parents a water pipe has burst across the street from the school and there is standing water curb to curb from Debracy to Allan-A-Dale. Students who walk may need to reroute to avoid walking in 8 inches of water
almost 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
HBE The book fair will be open until 5 tomorrow and will close at noon on Tuesday.
about 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
HBE 3rd/4th grade musical performance and book fair shopping day will be tomorrow at 9:10. Fifth grade performance and shopping will be Tuesday February 11th at 9:10
about 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
HBE: Students will have global play day tomorrow. Students may bring board games to class in their classrooms. No electronics HBE: Students will have global play day tomorrow. Students may bring board games to play in their classrooms. No electronics please.
about 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
HBE: We WILL have extended day until 5:30 today. NO basketball practice today
about 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
HBE Family Game Night has been cancelled due to the threat of winter weather.
about 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Tomorrow at 9:10 Mrs. Clark’s, PK and kindergarten will give a short performance and then parents may take those students to shop at the book fair.
about 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
HBE- SOM & Honor roll assembly begins at 2:30 today.
about 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
HBE-tomorrow we will celebrate the 101st day of being dog gone smarter. Students may dress as Dalmatians!
about 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
HB Parents. Looking for a few volunteers to cover lunch duty tomorrow. Need 3 people at each time slot. Call the office to volunteer. 11:15-11:45, 12:00-12:30, 12:45-1:15.
about 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
HB Parents: please make sure students are dressed for the extreme temperatures today. If you have a bus student download the Bus APP To track the buses arrival at the stop. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/419353/SafeStop_Lawton.pdf
about 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
HB Parents Tomorrow is Tree Topper dress up day. Student may wear any type of holiday head gear.
about 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
HB Parents: Students need to wear jeans tomorrow and a shirt of their choice. They will change into their concert shirt at school and it will be sent home with them tomorrow. PK-2 program begins at 10, 3rd-5th grade program begins at 2
about 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary