HB Parents. Just a reminder, for those of you who previously signed up to eat Christmas dinner with your student. The meal is Wednesday, Dec. 11th.
about 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Hugh Bish Parents: No early morning tutoring tomorrow.
about 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
HB Parents: Buses are running a little late today
about 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Hugh Bish Dress like the 80’s for Red Ribbon Week tomorrow
over 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Hugh Bish parents we have a large white American bulldog that is at the front of our building we have contacted animal control he is wearing a red collar if this is your pet would you please contact the school immediately
over 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Hugh Bish Parents: please notify the office or your child’s teacher your 3:00 if there is a change in how your child travels home.
over 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Hugh Bish Put a Lid on Cancer Hat Day. $2. Student pay $2 to wear a hat.
over 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
HB Parents: Booster club officer election 9:17 @ 5:45 school cafeteria. Must elect at least 3 officers or disband the club
over 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Teachers. We WILL have a teachers meeting in the morning at 8:10. Brandi Arter is jointing is for an EL/SIOP update
over 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Hugh Bish Parents: T-shirt orders are due by 9/5.
over 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Hugh Bish Parents: Friendly reminder that PTA & Booster club officer elections are tonight at 5:45 in the cafeteria
over 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
High Bish PreK and kindergarten parent meeting tonight from 5:30-6:30.
over 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Hugh Bish buses are running late this afternoon
over 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Hugh Bish buses are running late this afternoon
over 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Hugh Bish: tomorrow is the last day for Superhero picture money and 4th/5th grade Noble Knight Applications.
over 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Hugh Bish 4th & 5th grade level parent meeting is tomorrow night beginning at 5:30, not September 21st as stated in the newsletter!
over 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Hugh Bish Parents remember the PTA/Booster club informational meeting will be at 5:30.
over 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Bus 657 will be taking all students. It has not left the school yet. Students will be arriving later than normal.
over 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Hugh Bish Bus Parents bus 659 & 639 will ride together on bus 657. Student drop off my be slowe this afternoon
over 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary
Hugh Bish bus 639 is being picked by 657 and is running late
over 5 years ago, Pat Henry Elementary